What does ratio mean on tiktok

What does ratio mean on tiktok

TikTok is a social media app where you can watch, create, and share your favorite videos. It's also a place where people go to make friends and find new communities. The term "ratio" is used on TikTok as a way for someone to point out that there are more likes than replies on their post. This could mean that people liked the post but didn't reply. It could also mean that someone posted something funny or outrageous and wants their followers to respond with comments. Either way, ratio will be used when people want more than just likes from other users of this popular platform!

Unlike on Twitter, where the retweets itself tells us what it is, ratio on TikTok actually means replies vs likes.

You might have noticed that we have been using the term ‘ratio’ a lot in this article. It’s a popular term used on TikTok and is used to define the number of replies versus likes on the platform. For example, if someone has 100 likes but 200 replies, their ratio would be 2:1. On Twitter, retweets are counted as likes, which means that retweeting someone’s tweet just means that you liked their content enough to share it with your own followers. However, unlike on Twitter where the retweets itself tells us what it is (i.e., more people liked/shared), ratio on TikTok actually means replies vs likes!

This term has been used frequently ever since a famous TikTok creator wrote "Here is your ratio" below her video. From then on, people started using this term in their own videos as well.

So what is the ratio on TikTok? Well, it means how many likes a video has compared to how many comments it has. In other words, it's a measure of popularity and interaction.

It's not entirely clear why "ratio" became so popular on TikTok, but many people believe that it was because one of the most famous TikTok creators (a person who uploads their own videos onto the platform) wrote "Here is your ratio" below her video in response to someone making fun of her for posting such content. From then on, people started using this term in their own videos as well.

People use the phrase "ratio" when they want to get a reply from the viewers after posting something funny or outrageous.

The term "ratio" is a short way of saying "response vs likes." It refers to the number of comments on a post divided by the number of likes. A high ratio means that lots of people are replying, and therefore not agreeing with your videos.

When you see someone say "ratio," it means they're trying to get more replies from viewers so that their posts can go viral. If you have thousands or even millions of followers, then this is easy for them to do—but if you have only a few hundred followers, it might be harder for your post to get noticed unless someone else shares it with more people

One instance is when someone says something which makes another person mad. When another person defends himself or herself, the first one will reply with "here is your ratio" and post a screenshot of the reply.

When someone says something which makes another person mad, the first one will reply with "here is your ratio" and post a screenshot of the reply. Ratio is a way for people to get attention and show off their popularity. The higher your ratio, the more people like you.

Ratio also means that when someone replies to someone else's video or live stream, they'll have to wait until that person has answered their question before they can post another comment or ask another question.

Ratio on TikTok means replies.

  • *Ratio on TikTok means replies.**

When a TikTok artist posts a video, they often want a certain amount of interaction: likes and comments. The more interaction there is, the better!

However, when you post something funny or outrageous on TikTok—like jumping off the roof of your house into the pool—you don’t just want to get likes. You also want people to reply with “wow” or “haha” so that it shows off how crazy you are!


In conclusion, ratio doesn’t mean anything special on TikTok. It’s just a phrase that people use to refer to replies or comments. This term became popular when a famous TikTok creator wrote "Here is your ratio" below her video which made many people wonder what it meant. It's important to note that this phrase was only used by one specific person at first but then spread like wildfire among other creators as well.

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